Solar-Powered Warehouses: Elevating Efficiency in Baltics and Nordics

August 11, 2023

In the evolving landscape of sustainability and energy management, warehouses with specialized functions in the Baltic and Nordic regions are increasingly exploring innovative solutions to stay ahead of the curve. Facilities equipped with refrigeration units, freezers, and grain storage face unique challenges, including rising energy costs. Embracing solar photovoltaic (PV) stations on their rooftops not only addresses these challenges but also offers a multitude of benefits that can transform the way these warehouses operate. Explore why integrating solar PV stations is a strategic move for these facilities.

1. Mitigating Rising Energy Costs

Warehouses with energy-intensive operations like refrigeration, freezing, and grain storage can substantially cut costs by embracing solar PV systems. By generating a considerable portion of their energy on-site, these warehouses alleviate their reliance on the grid, safeguarding against unpredictable energy price surges. Notably, comparing the Nordpool electricity prices in Latvia between 2021 and 2023 reveals an upward trend, indicating a future trajectory of increasing prices influenced by factors such as upward demand for electricity (as many industries try to move away from fossil fuels), political instabilities in neighboring countries, and grid reconstruction works in order to support the increasing demand and stabilize current frequency.

2. Reliability During Grid Upgrades

In regions experiencing rapid urban growth, such as the Baltics and the Nordics, grid disruptions due to upgrades are common. These upgrades can lead to temporary power disruptions that can disrupt warehouse operations, particularly in facilities with critical refrigeration and storage needs. A study by the Estonian Grid Operator, Elering, highlighted that Solar PV systems, paired with battery storage, offer cost-effective and dependable energy during grid disruptions, ensuring continuous operation and safeguarding inventory.

3. Strategic Financial Planning

Case studies and research suggest that solar PV installations can lead to energy cost reductions ranging from 20% to 50% or even more in some cases. For example, a study conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the United States found that solar PV installations on cold storage warehouse roofs led to average energy cost savings of around 20% to 30%. Similarly, a case study of a grain storage facility in Denmark highlighted a 40% reduction in energy expenses after installing solar panels, as mentioned in the Finnish Innovation Fund (Sitra) report.

4. Grid Independence and Stability

The energy transition discourse in the Nordics is strategically centered around the dual objectives of achieving grid independence and robust stability. A study by Nordic Energy Research highlights solar energy’s potential to fulfill these aims. Warehouses heavily reliant on the grid are vulnerable to power outages, voltage fluctuations (persistent disturbances that can damage critical equipment like freezers over time), and operational disruptions. However, reducing grid dependence strategically can elevate warehouses’ energy resilience and enhance supply security.

An example from Sweden reinforces this trend. Recent data from the Swedish Energy Agency shows that between 2018 and 2020, the number of solar power plants in the commercial and industrial sectors increased by an impressive 60%, and investments in this direction have not stopped in recent years either. This surge in localized energy generation eases pressure on traditional grid systems, enhancing overall reliability.

5. Sustainable Operation Amidst Environmental Concerns

Climate change and environmental concerns have spurred a global shift towards sustainability. Warehouses, known for their energy consumption and carbon emissions, can play a significant role in reducing their environmental impact. By adopting solar energy, these facilities actively contribute to clean energy generation, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing their ecological footprint. This commitment to sustainability aligns with growing consumer preferences for environmentally responsible businesses and aligns with the Baltic and Nordic country commitment to stringent environmental targets.

6. Renewable Energy Incentives

Many governments and local authorities offer incentives for businesses that invest in renewable energy sources like solar. In Latvia, the incentive is mainly handled by Altum, which provides a grant with a 30% capital discount for installing solar PV stations for self-consumption. By taking advantage of these incentives, warehouses can expedite their transition to clean energy while simultaneously reducing their financial burden. Get in touch with Sunwise to find out more:

7. Enhancing Brand Reputation

Consumers are increasingly drawn to environmentally conscious businesses. By adopting solar power, warehouses can bolster their brand reputation and position themselves as responsible entities contributing to sustainable development. This positive image can resonate with consumers and stakeholders alike, potentially attracting new customers and fostering brand loyalty.

8. Long-Term Investment

Solar panels have a lifespan of 25 years or more, making them a long-term investment. Warehouses powered by solar PV stations can enjoy ongoing energy savings for decades after initial installation. Investments pay off on average in the 4th or 5th year. This long-term vision supports the longevity of the warehouse operation and also increases its value as an asset, making it a smart choice for long-term growth and profitability.


The integration of solar power into Baltic and Nordic warehouses addresses challenges holistically, offering solutions to rising energy costs, grid reliability, sustainability concerns, financial planning, and brand reputation. This transformative shift empowers these facilities to thrive in a future shaped by energy efficiency and environmental responsibility. Discover the seamless path to enhanced energy efficiency and solar integration with Sunwise. Email: